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premium 132382

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6 апр 2021 в 08:08
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5 Апреля 2021 premium 132382 premium 132382
Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles
Plaintiff, Community Redevelopment Agency of Los Angeles, appealed a judgment from the Superior Court of Los Angeles County (California) awarding the defendant condemned compensation for the value of certain "ethical drugs" located on the condemned real property. The trial court refused to award any compensation for loss of business goodwill resulting from the taking. Defendant also appealed that decision.
4 Апреля 2021 premium 132382 premium 132382
Superior Court of Los Angeles County
Defendant was prosecuted after a documentary about riots on TV featured an unidentifiable young man making statements about his role in the riots. When defendant was arrested on other charges, police officers found a connection to the speaker in the documentary and recorded his voice. The state's case rested entirely on the testimony of the state's expert witness, identifying defendant by his voiceprint. Visit the employment attorneys Nakase Wade for the business and employment legal issues.

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