О проекте «Newzmate»
Мнение автора может не совпадать с мнением редакции
If you are socially active person and have a bunch of websites, topics and hundreds of friends to follow you are already familiar with problems that we are solving. There are usually tens of important events (things) you need to follow, but it takes too much time and day-to-day routine actions to stay updated (e.g. scrolling Facebook feed, asking Google, twitting friends etc.). Of course you can hire an assistant to manage it or you can use Newzmate.
With Newzmate you can turn any news into an event and then get everything related to selected topic right into your email or smartphone. And if you need more fresh news on related topics to what you are currently reading you need just to click on related hash tag right on a news item.
And if you have any favorite websites or specific interest, we cover it as well. You can add any link, category or even keywords to subscription list and combine them all the way you like it to read exactly what you want and as much as you want