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О проекте «Youth Laboratories»

We reinvent the beauty industry so that cosmetics products are personalized and effective.

We develop AI & place it into mobile apps to:

  • track facial skin changes
  • evaluate the efficacy of treatments & interventions
  • make personalized treatment recommendations

using high-resolution facial photos (selfie).

We started with wrinkles and developed the anti-aging tool RYNKL - the app that helps you to track wrinkles and evaluate treatments efficacy. www.rynkl.com

See recent RYNKL press-release http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/01/prweb1316941...

We also hold Beauty.AI - the First International Beauty Contest Judged by Artificial Intelligence, which meets huge interest within beauty industry and helps us to attract attention to the methods of impartial feedback on how people look and also to collect the perfect dataset of high -resolution photos linked to BMI. www.Beauty.AI

See recent Beauty.AI press release http://www.prweb.com/releases/2016/02/prweb1319957...

Get in touch on investment or partnership matters with olga.kairova(at)gmail(dot)com

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