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О проекте «Finovate Studio»
Finovate Studio Студия финансовых технологий. Дает крупным компаниям, банкам и венчурным фондам со всего мира доступ к самым перспективным европейским проектам в области финансов, платежей и систем лояльности.
2 Июня 2014 Finovate Studio Finovate Studio
Tips for financial or ecommerce startup targeting foreign market
Some useful tips for startups targeting global marketsMany startup CEOs wake up with desire to go global after successful piloting their product or solution in domestic market. So, you decided that it’s …
7 Апреля 2014 Finovate Studio Finovate Studio
Hands-on help in preparing negotiations with potential investor!
You focus on your startup business and don't want to waste time on paperwork? Seems that potential investors aiming at driving you nut with their tricky questions? Find out how Finovate Studio can help …
31 Марта 2014 Finovate Studio Finovate Studio
Meet our new partner- PromoRepublic
Today we would like to introduce our new partnering project. This is completely unique platform enabling preparing and launching of various types of online promo campaigns just within 15 minutes as …
19 Марта 2014 Finovate Studio Finovate Studio
New startup onboard!
New startup onboard!
FinovateStudio has a new brilliant startup onboard as a friend and partner! Being formally described as technical integrator of payment gateways, this solution can be considered as one of the quickest …
11 Марта 2014 Finovate Studio Finovate Studio
Fin-tech & loyalty startups needed!
Fin-tech & loyalty startups needed! We'll be glad to meet new teams developing new banking, finance, payments and loyalty solutions.

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