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6 Октября 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
What to Do If Your Website Isn't Generating Any Sales Leads
What to Do If Your Website Isn't Generating Any Sales Leads
You’ve taken the leap and implemented inbound marketing. You were told that doing so would bring in more sales leads than you’ve thought possible. But as time goes by, you realize that you’re not actually generating new leads. Were you lied to? Is inbound marketing not really the be all and end all of marketing in today’s digital age?
5 Октября 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
Fast-Track Your Inbound Telemarketing
Fast-Track Your Inbound Telemarketing
Even in this age of the internet, the telephone is still a powerful business tool. Many companies still rely on telemarketing to increase their sales numbers and provide customer service.
2 Октября 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
5 Steps to Creating a Business Blog
5 Steps to Creating a Business Blog
Are you still relying on outdated outbound marketing tactics? Embrace inbound marketing and start attracting potential buyers to you for a change. Stop wasting your time and money chasing people, trying to convince them to buy from you. This is ineffective, time consuming, and to be honest—annoying! Nowadays consumers want to go online and find out about products and services on their own.
2 Октября 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
7 Steps to Increasing Revenue Using Content Marketing
7 Steps to Increasing Revenue Using Content Marketing
Content marketing is a great method for increasing revenue. Here are seven steps to follow to ensure you’re doing it right, from start to finish, so your campaign can be successful.
17 Сентября 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
How to Create an Inbound Marketing Plan that Works
How to Create an Inbound Marketing Plan that Works
Write some blogs, post some comments on social media, and stuff your content with SEO keywords—how hard can inbound marketing be, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that easy. There are many steps that you need to take before you can actively start engaging your audience online.
17 Сентября 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
How to Use Inbound Telemarketing to Close More Deals
How to Use Inbound Telemarketing to Close More Deals
Many companies have stopped cold calling customers to instead focus on inbound marketing activities—which is a great choice in today’s digital world—but that doesn’t mean the telephone is dead in business. In fact, you can increase your sales and improve customer service by using inbound telemarketing services.
30 Апреля 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
Google Medic Update Recovery
Google Medic Update Recovery
Is It Possible to Recover from the Google Medic Update?If there’s a silver lining in all of this, it’s this:It’s possible to recover from an algorithmic devaluation – Google Medic included!While the sites above never rekindled its glory days, there are other sites that crawled its way back to Google’s good graces.In this post on Search Engine Land, doctoranytime CMO Christos Managoudis detailed how they were able to succeed from the Google Medic devaluation.
21 Февраля 2020 Zheletzkii Maxim Zheletzkii Maxim
It’s true: large companies can be targets for cyber-attacks. We’ve heard of the attacks on Facebook, Capital One and Quest Diagnostics, but what about the smaller businesses that have experienced compromised data? In a recent study, two-thirds of executives interviewed believed cyber-crime won’t affect their small business and many of these same businesses have no cybersecurity strategy plans in place at all.

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